Steve Turnbull 's Books
A very well recieved series by Steve Turnbull are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are KYMIERA_PURITY, Harry Takes Off: Astounding Stories of Adventure (Iron Pegasus Book 1), Kymiera, Wind in the East, Ladies' Day, Harry on the Run, Harry in the Wild: Astounding Stories of Adventure (Iron Pegasus Book 2), Murder out of the Blue (Maliha Anderson Book 1), Thunder over the Grass, Harry gets Her Wings (Iron Pegasus Book 3), Lure of the Riptide, The Chinese Vase, Under the Burning Clouds, Dr Morbury's Cargo, which was published in 2022.
Harry Takes Off: Astounding Stories of Adventure (Iron Pegasus Book 1)
Wind in the East
Ladies' Day
Harry on the Run
Harry in the Wild: Astounding Stories of Adventure (Iron Pegasus Book 2)
Murder out of the Blue (Maliha Anderson Book 1)
Thunder over the Grass
Harry gets Her Wings (Iron Pegasus Book 3)
Lure of the Riptide
The Chinese Vase
Under the Burning Clouds
Dr Morbury's Cargo